Palestinian Historian Walid Khalidi on the NAKBA
Jan/16/13 Archived in:
PalestineProf. Walid Khalidi, the renowned Palestinian historian who was the first to publish in English documents of “Plan Dalet” – the Zionist project to expel the Palestinians in 1948, was the keynote speaker at a conference in Washington, DC on October 22, 2012. The conference, organized by the Institute of Palestinian Studies, was entitled, “The Nakba: 60 Years of Dispossession, 60 Years of Resistance. His speech can be viewed on YouTube: digital version of Prof. Khalidi’s book,
Before Their Diaspora, has just eben issued. See: This richly illustrated volume, first published in 1984, documents life in Palestine before the expulsion.
Tag: Prof. Walid Khalidi, Nakba, Before Their Diaspora, Plan Dalet