DEUTSCH-ARABISCHE GESELLSCHAFT begrüßt EU-Richtlinie zu den von Israel besetzten arabischen Gebieten
Die Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft begrüßt die EU-Richtlinie zur Zusammenarbeit mit Israel, mit der verhindert werden soll, für Israel bestimmte europäische Fördergelder auch israelischen Projekten in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten zugute kommen zu lassen.Read further...
German President to Visit Israel: Will He Speak Out for Freedom?
The upcoming visit of Gemrany’s new President Gauck to Israel has raised hopes among pro-peace activists that he, a respected activist in the successful 1989 ‘peaceful revolution“ of East Germans, will use the opportunity to speak out in defense of basic human rights. Evelyn Hecht Galinski, daughter of the late head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has issued an open letter to Gauck, calling on him to do just this.
Finkelstein and Mearsheimer on the Future of Israel

As so-called “peace talks” resumed in Jordan at year’s end and Middle East policy took center stage in the first primary elections in the Republican Party in the U.S., two leading experts on Israel conducted a lengthy interview in the American conservative blog, on the future of Israel. Norman Finkelstein and John Mearsheimer, authors of groundbreaking studies on the conflict, explore the changing attitudes towards Israel, especially in the U.S., and the perspectives for peace.
Israel Apartheid Week
From March 7-20, activists will organize events protesting Israel’s apartheid policies.