Armenian genocide
But the Birds . . . Of a Trip to Armenia
with Trees at the Conclusion
of a three-year Armenian-German Cultural Project
The year 2015 has come to an end, and in both East and West the centenary of the genocide, often denied, has been commemorated.
And I recall an evening in the Turm (Tower) Theater in Cologne, Germany, in January 2013, when I, a German author, found myself among Armenians for the first time. Emotionally shaken by the play, “Anne‘s Silence” by the Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, I took part in the round table discussion after the performance, and heard Muriel Mirak-Weissbach say: “We have two years to 2015, a lot can still happen.” – And a lot has happened.
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And I recall an evening in the Turm (Tower) Theater in Cologne, Germany, in January 2013, when I, a German author, found myself among Armenians for the first time. Emotionally shaken by the play, “Anne‘s Silence” by the Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, I took part in the round table discussion after the performance, and heard Muriel Mirak-Weissbach say: “We have two years to 2015, a lot can still happen.” – And a lot has happened.
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EPP Recognizes Armenian Genocide, Calls on Turkey to Face History
BRUSSELS (A.W.)—On March 3, the European People’s Party (EPP) adopted a resolution recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide. According to the press service of the European Friends of Armenia, the resolution calls on Turkey to recognize and condemn the genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire as a basis for the complete normalization and Europeanization of its relationship along with its international commitments and European aspirations.Read further...
Gedenkveranstaltung zum 8. Todestag des armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink
In Gedenken an den armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink (1956-2007) laden die Deutsch-Armenischen Gesellschaft, das Hrant Dink Forum Köln und das KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland auch in diesem Jahr zu einer interkulturellen Veranstaltung zur Stärkung des Dialogs und der Verständigung ein.Read further...
Worldwide Reading for Armenia 2015
Among the numerous initiatives launched to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide is a reading of Armenian literary works on a grand scale. Organized by two cultural institutions in Germany, the initiative will honor the memory of Armenian intellectuals rounded up and killed on April 24, 1915, by presenting public readings of their works and those of later writers. On November 20, at the Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin, Dr. Rolf Hosfeld, director of the Lepsiushaus, and Ulrich Schreiber of the International Literature Festival Berlin, presented the initiative to representatives of the international press. Read further...
First Turkish Film to Show Armenian Genocide Harshly Received Before Release
German-Turkish director Fatih Akin's latest film,
'The Cut' raises furor in Turkey, draws threats from nationalists.
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'The Cut' raises furor in Turkey, draws threats from nationalists.
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Gedenken an Völkermord – Einblick in die armenische Geschichte und Kultur
BOCHUM Im April 2015 jährt sich zum 100. Mal der Völkermord an den Armeniern. Im Vorfeld lädt der Armenisch-Akademische Verein 1860 (AAV) zum „Armenischen Kulturherbst“ ein. „Wir wollen zeigen, das wir noch leben, musizieren, schöpfen, arbeiten, produzieren“, sagt dessen Leiter Azat Ordukhanyan: „Wir wollen unsere Kultur vorstellen.“Read further...
Genocide Scholars Protest
European Human Rights Court Decision
In response to a December 2013 ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Switzerland, a group of prominent genocide scholars has issued a letter to the Court. The ECHR had ruled in favor of those denying the fact that the Ottoman massacres of the Armenians in 1915 constituted genocide. The scholars write that the decision was political, not legal, and based on faulty information. Read further...
Taner Akçam in Berlin and Potsdam/

„Das unsagbare schreiben“ im Literaturhaus Berlin
Am 17 Oktober organisierte der Kulturverein Spree-Athen eine Veranstaltung über die Literatur des Genozids. Unter dem Titel "Im Brennpunkt der Erinnerung": Texte zu dem 1915 in der Türkei verübten Völkermord...Read further...
Apology for Genocide by Kurdish Leaders
During a ceremony inaugurating the Monument of Common Conscience in Diyarbakir, Turkey, Kurdish leaders issued an apology for the genocide against Armenians and Assyrians, and called on Turkish authorities to follow suit.Read further...
Young Turk’s Grandson Speaks In Germany
BERLIN — In Germany, where the largest Turkish community outside of Turkey lives, there were two special events commemorating the life and work of Hrant Dink on the sixth anniversary of his death. Along with cultural events, like the performance of the play “Anne’s Silence,” there were presentations of a new book by a Turkish intellectual. Read further...
Grandson of Young Turk Triumvir Publishes Account of 1915 Genocide

Buch von Hasan Cemal über den Massenmord an den Armeniern 1915:
Grandson of Young Turk Triumvir Issues Book on Armenian Genocide
The grandson of Cemal Pasha, one of the three Ottoman Young Turk leaders who organized and implemented the genocide against the Armenians in 1915, has spoken out publicly against the massacres. Now he has issued a book which bears the unequivocal title, “1915. Armenian Genocide.”
Potsdam University and Lepsius House Cooperate to Promote Genocide Studies
Potsdam Universität kooperiert mit dem Lepsiushaus

The University of Potsdam and the Lepsius House signed an agreement on June 6, 2012 to enhance their cooperation in the field of genocide studies. The Lepsius House is a museum and research center located in the former home of Dr. Johannes Lepsius, the renowned theologian and scholar who documented the 1915 Armenian genocide.
Professor Dr. Johann Hafner, Dean of the Philosophy Department, explained that students will be able to make use of the Lepsius House’s facilities, including rooms, archives, and library. In addition they “will be able to complete scientific internships there, receive assistance in their dissertations, and participate in research projects, conferences and publications.” The University, for its part, will lend institutional support to the work of the Lepsius House and cooperate on projects and conferences.‘house-of-lepsius’-to-advance-genocide-studies/

Stellungnahme zur Erklärung des Kölner Arbeitskreises Israel-Palästina zur Ausstellung „Die Nakba – Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948“ im Allerweltshaus in Köln.

Siehe auch
New Documents from German Foreign Ministry Archive Published: “Germany’s Orient Policy and the First World War”
Neue Unterlagen aus dem AA Veröffentlicht: „Die deutsche Orient-Politik un der Erste Weltkrieg“
The website has published a new series of documents from the German Foreign Ministry archives related to the genocide against the Armenians. The documents are in German, but a Foreword and Introduction are also in English. See:
Turkish Publisher Honored
The well-known and respected Turkish publisher, Ragip Zarakolu, has received an award in recognition of his commitment to freedom of the press. Zarakolu was recently freed from detention after an international campaign called for his release. His publishing company Belge has issued studies by Armenian, Kurdish, and Greek authors, often on taboo subjects, like the 1915 genocide against the Armenians. See.
Report on the Trial of Salomon Teilirian
The stenographic report of the proceedings of the trial held in Berlin on June 2-3, 1921 against Salomon Teilirian is available in German at further...
„Meine armenische Grossmutter: die Türkei und ihre Identität“

Am 10. Februar hat das Lepsiushaus in Potsdam ( mich eingeladen, einen Vortrag über meine Familiengeschichte und die „Großmutter-Debatte“ in der heutigen Türkei zu halten.
Am 13 Februar hat das DeutschlandradioKultur ein Interview mit mir über das gleiche Thema gesendet:

„My Armenian Grandmother: Turkey and Its Identity“
On February 10, I was invited to present a talk at the Lepsius House on her family history and the “grandmother debate” in today’s Turkey. The Lepsius House is a documentation center and meeting place for Germans, Turks and Armenians, located in the villa where Dr. Johannes Lepsius lived and worked ( On February 13, the cultural program on German national radio, DeustchlandradioKultur, broadcast an interview with me on the same theme:
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Turkish Scholars Present Debate on 1915/1916
An important international conference took place at the Potsdam University on November 5 on the controversial subject of the Armenian genocide.Read further...
Taner Akcam Vindicated! European Court Rules against Article 301
The European Court of Human Rights handed down a groundbreaking ruling on October 25, declaring that Article 301 of the Turkish penal code, which considers “insulting Turkishness” to be a crime, constitutes a violation of freedom of expression. The case examined was that of Turkish historian Prof. Taner Akcam, who had been the subject of an investigation and harassment in Turkey, due to his scholarly research into the 1915 genocide against the Armenians. further...
The Kurds and the Armenian Genocide
Turkish Scholar Denounces Turkish Campaign to Deny the Genocide
Prof. Taner Akcam, the leading Turkish scholar of the Armenian genocide, made headlines when he revealed that he had received information from reliable sources in Istanbul, according to which the Turkish government was mounting an effort to counter Armenian claims of genocide in 1915, by fabricating historical studies that not only deny the genocide, but go so far as to assert that those historians who have documented the genocide, have simply invented the entire story. Prof. Akcam received the information from a private source who had access to Turkish Foreign Ministry circles. The latter reported that an American professor had proposed to ministry officials that they launch a campaign promoting and financing "scholarly research" by American researchers, to counter the widely accepted claim that it was genocide. The proposal was accepted and since then (2005) some American scholars have received payment to conduct such research.
Vatican Published Documentary on Armenian Genocide
A documentary prepared by the Vatican will present the 1915 genocide against the Armenians as a historical fact. Among the records made available are documents showing that Pope Benedict XV back in 1915 issued a letter to the Sultan Mehmet V, urging him to stop the killings.
Stuttgart University Rector „Neutral“ On Genocide
The rector of the Stuttgart University cancelled a room for a meeting on May 28 during which a lecture and discussion of the 1915 Armenian genocide were to be presented. In motivating his decision, the rector told organizers that there had been protests by Turks “in Berlin” and that he thought one should maintain “neutrality” on the subject. The Central Council of Armenians in Germany, among others, condemned the move.
Will Turkish Official Attend Genocide Commemoration?
The Turkish government has announced it will take part in events observing the Armenian genocide, traditonally organized on April 24, the anniversary of the mass arrests of Armenian intellectuals and leaders in 1915.
Vortrag in Frankfurt über Völkermord an den Armenien
Am 5. Februar hat die Arbeitsgruppe Genozid und Trauma in Frankfurt Muriel Mirak-Weißbach eingeladen, einen Vortrag zu halten über den Völkermord an den Armeniern aus der Sicht der Familiengeschichte. Auszüge aus der Rede, wurden in der Online-Zeitschrift HAY Society abgedruckt.
FAZ: Was zwischen Türken und Armeniern zu klären ist
Briefe von Muriel Mirak-Weissbach an die Herausgeber. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 19.04.2010Read further...