But the Birds . . . Of a Trip to Armenia
with Trees at the Conclusion
of a three-year Armenian-German Cultural Project
The year 2015 has come to an end, and in both East and West the centenary of the genocide, often denied, has been commemorated.
And I recall an evening in the Turm (Tower) Theater in Cologne, Germany, in January 2013, when I, a German author, found myself among Armenians for the first time. Emotionally shaken by the play, “Anne‘s Silence” by the Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, I took part in the round table discussion after the performance, and heard Muriel Mirak-Weissbach say: “We have two years to 2015, a lot can still happen.” – And a lot has happened.
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And I recall an evening in the Turm (Tower) Theater in Cologne, Germany, in January 2013, when I, a German author, found myself among Armenians for the first time. Emotionally shaken by the play, “Anne‘s Silence” by the Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, I took part in the round table discussion after the performance, and heard Muriel Mirak-Weissbach say: “We have two years to 2015, a lot can still happen.” – And a lot has happened.
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155 Bäume aus Jerewan symbolisieren den diesjährigen Armenischen Frühling in Bochum. Auf der Schmechtingwiese legt Oberbürgermeisterin Dr. Ottilie Scholz am 18. April um 11:30 Uhr den Grundstein für einen deutsch-armenischen Freundschaftsgarten, bereits eine Woche zuvor entstand parallel dazu in der armenischen Hauptstadt Jerewan ein ganz ähnlicher Garten. Beide Anlagen stehen unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundestagspräsident Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert.
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Gumri Octet School Launches Musical Renaissance
By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
GUMRI — Armenians in Gumri celebrated the 22nd anniversary of independence appropriately with music. On September 20, a day before the official festivities took place in Yerevan and other cities, leading national figures joined by international guests officiated over the open- ing of the brand new Octet music school, which had been destroyed in the 1988 earth- quake. Read further...
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
GUMRI — Armenians in Gumri celebrated the 22nd anniversary of independence appropriately with music. On September 20, a day before the official festivities took place in Yerevan and other cities, leading national figures joined by international guests officiated over the open- ing of the brand new Octet music school, which had been destroyed in the 1988 earth- quake. Read further...
Vorstellung der Mirak-Weißbach-Stiftung
Am 7 September 2013 wurden die Mirak-Weißbach-Stiftung und das Projekt „Ein Blüthner-Flügel für Gjumri“ im Lepsiushaus, Potsdam vorgestellt. Auszüge der Rede der Mitbegründerin der Stiftung. Read further...