
Statement by Palestinian performing art organizations 17th July 2014

Statement by Palestinian performing art organizations 17th July 2014
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Palestinian Historian Walid Khalidi on the NAKBA

Prof. Walid Khalidi, the renowned Palestinian historian who was the first to publish in English documents of “Plan Dalet” – the Zionist project to expel the Palestinians in 1948, was the keynote speaker at a conference in Washington, DC on October 22, 2012. The conference, organized by the Institute of Palestinian Studies, was entitled, “The Nakba: 60 Years of Dispossession, 60 Years of Resistance. His speech can be viewed on YouTube:
A digital version of Prof. Khalidi’s book, Before Their Diaspora, has just eben issued. See: This richly illustrated volume, first published in 1984, documents life in Palestine before the expulsion.

Israeli “New Historian” at NAKBA Exhibit in Berne

Ilan Pappe, the leading member of the so-called “new historians” from Israel, delivered a lecture in the context of an extraordinarily successful exhibit on the NAKBA (the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948) in Berne, Switzerland in late November. Professor Pappe is the author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (OneWorld, Oxford, 2006), which presents documentation from the Israeli side of the Nakba, first researched by Walid Khalidi. Pappe spoke on November 30 at the University of Berne, on the subject, “1948 – A Different Story.” Following the presentation before a crowd of 400, there was a question and answer session. Both were filmed by Simsalafilm and are available on YouTube:
Part 1: The speech
Part 2: Q & A

Hrant-Dink Gedenkwoche

Im Januar veranstaltet das Hrant Dink Forum Köln erneut Gedenkveranstaltungen zum 6. Todestag des ermordeten Journalisten und Menschenrechtlers:
Am 17., 18. und 19. Januar jeweils um 20 Uhr wird das Theaterstück „Annes Schweigen“ des Kölner Autors Doğan Akhanlı im Theater im Bauturm gezeigt; (mit Bea Ehlers-Kerbekian, Regie: Ron Rosenberg), mit anschl. Diskussionenen, u.a. mit Günter Wallraff, Muriel Mirak-Weißbach und Osman Okkan. Mehr Infos unter:
Der Autor und Journalist Hasan Cemal, Enkel des für den Völkermord an den Armeniern mitverantwortlichen Cemal Pascha, stellt am 21. Januar 2013 um 19 Uhr in der Großen Aula der Universität Köln sein Buch „1915 – Ermeni Soykırım“ / 1915 – Genozid an den Armeniern“ vor. Hasan Cemal ist am 18.1.2013 um 19 Uhr an der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin zu Gast.

South African Ruling Party Endorses Boycott Campaign Against Israel

The ruling party of South Africa, a country whose apartheid regime was ended in part due to an international boycott campaign, has joined the efforts of the BDS to boycott Israeli goods.

Leading Personalities Support Nakba Exhibit

The travelling exhibit on the Nakba – the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 – has been raising awareness in Germany of what really occurred in the process of the foundation of the state of Israel. It has been criticized and in many cases sabotaged by parties interested in burying the historical record. In response, a large number of respected intellectuals, writers, human rights activists, political figures, and others have signed a statement in support of the Nakba exhibit.
DEPresse-Erklärung und Unterstützer hier downloadnpdf

See also

NAKBA Ausstellung in Köln sorgt für Kontroverse
NAKBA Exhibit Sparks Controversy in Cologne

DE Die Ausstellung „Die Nakba: Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948“ im Allerweltshaus in Köln ist von einem neugegründeten Arbeitskreis Israel-Palästina scharf kritisiert worden.
US  The travelling exhibit, “Nakba: Flight and Expulsion of Palestinians 1948,” currently on display at the Allerweltshaus in Cologne, has been the target of criticism launched by a newly found entity, called the Israel-Palestine Working Group, which claimed the exhibit was one-sided and bordered on anti-Semitism.Read further...

Nakba Day

On May 15, Palestinians throughout the world commemorated the 64th anniversary of the ‘‘Nakba“ – the ‘‘Catastrophe“—of the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from their homelands in the process leading up to the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948. Among the many articles and background reports issued, a statement by Prof. Walid Khalidi is of special importance. Prof. Khalidi, a renowned Palestinian historian, was the first to publish documents on ‘‘Plan Dalet,“ the strategic plan of the Zionists under Ben Gurion to rid Palestine of its inhabitants and occupy their land as part of the new state of Israel. Palestine Studies has published a special issue on the event, including the statement by Prof. Khalidi. See

Nakba Exhibit in Mainz, Zürich.

The exhibit on the “Nakba – Flight and Expulsion of the Palestinians 1948“ – “Die Nakba: Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948” will be in Mainz, from Nov. 9 – 25, at the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde, Am Ginsenheimer Spieß 1, 55122 Mainz. It will also be featured as part of a Palestinian cultural festival in Zürich, Switzerland, from Nov. 15 – December 12, at the Rote Fabrik,

cafepalestine          nakba

NAKBA Exhibit in Wiesbaden

The exhibit on "The Nakba – Flight and Expulsion of the Palestinians 1948” can be seen in Wiesbaden at the CVJM-Haus, Oranienstr. 15, from Oct. 24 to Nov. 4. Open Monday-Friday, 12:00 – 16:00.