Zehnter Jahrestag der “Berliner-Mauer” in Westjordanland
Tenth Anniversary of „Berlin Wall“ in West Bank

Am 16. Juni 2002 wurde in Israel entschieden, eine Mauer durch das Westjordanland zu bauen und nur Tage später war mit dem Bauprojekt begonnen worden. Obwohl in der internationalen Presse sonst kaum etwas darüber geschrieben wurde, hat Reece Jones, Professor an der Universität Hawaii-Manoa und Buchautor, einen Kommentar zum Jahrestag veröffentlicht.
Op-Ed: The Israel Wall

On June 16, 2002 the decision to build a wall in the West Bank was approved by Israel and work began shortly thereafter. Although the mainstream international press seems to have taken little notice, Reece Jones, an Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii-Manoa and book author, has published an OpEd on the anniversary. Op-Ed: The Israel Wall
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»Zeitbombe in Jerusalem«

Besetztes Ost-Jerusalem, Stadtteil Silwan. Wenn der palästinensische Muslim Abu Jamil nachts um zwei Uhr sein Ohr auf den Fußboden legt, dann hört er sie: jüdische Siedler, die Israels Antikenbehörde helfen wollen, einen Tunnel vom angeblichen Palast König Davids bis zum Tempelberg zu graben.
Haaretz Publisher on “Israeli Apartheid”
“Die israelische Apartheid,” Gastbeitrag von Amos Schocken
Amos Schocken, owner and publisher of the liberal Israel newspaper Haaretz spoke out against Israel’s apartheid policy in an OpEd carried in the German press at year’s end (Berliner Zeitung, Dec. 1, 2011, and Frankfurter Rundschau, Nov. 29, 2011).

Israelis Launch Campaign To Rewrite History
12.07.2011 – As the September date for the U.N. General Assembly meeting approaches, during which the issue of Palestinian statehood should be on the agenda, a group of Israeli right-wingers have launched a vile campaign to deny that Palestinians were expelled from their lands in 1948. As reported in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on June 18, the campaign to rewrite history not only denies the “Nakba” (expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948), but claims that the entire affair was a mere invention.Read further...
Israeli Government Torpedoes G8 Statement on 1967 Borders
Due to pressure from Israel, mediated by Canada, G8 ministers deleted a reference to the 1967 borders in their final declaration after meeting in France on May 26-27. Instead they criticized Palestinian plans to promote statehood at the UNGA in September.
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Israels Außenministerium mobilisiert Diplomaten gegen Palästinenserstaat
Ein Rundschreiben an israelischen Diplomaten stellt einen Plan dar, wie sie Lobbyarbeit gegen den Palästinenserstaat machen sollen.,1518,767837,00.html
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Israel Mobilizes Against Palestinian UN Initiative
According to secret cables published by Haaretz, the Israeli government is mobilizing its diplomats to block the initiative for declaration of a Palestinian state at the UN General Assembly in September.
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