But the Birds . . . Of a Trip to Armenia
with Trees at the Conclusion
of a three-year Armenian-German Cultural Project
Jan/10/16 Archived in:Armenia | Armenian genocide
The year 2015 has come to an end, and in both East and West the centenary of the genocide, often denied, has been commemorated.
And I recall an evening in the Turm (Tower) Theater in Cologne, Germany, in January 2013, when I, a German author, found myself among Armenians for the first time. Emotionally shaken by the play, “Anne‘s Silence” by the Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, I took part in the round table discussion after the performance, and heard Muriel Mirak-Weissbach say: “We have two years to 2015, a lot can still happen.” – And a lot has happened.
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And I recall an evening in the Turm (Tower) Theater in Cologne, Germany, in January 2013, when I, a German author, found myself among Armenians for the first time. Emotionally shaken by the play, “Anne‘s Silence” by the Turkish author Dogan Akhanli, I took part in the round table discussion after the performance, and heard Muriel Mirak-Weissbach say: “We have two years to 2015, a lot can still happen.” – And a lot has happened.
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155 Bäume aus Jerewan symbolisieren den diesjährigen Armenischen Frühling in Bochum. Auf der Schmechtingwiese legt Oberbürgermeisterin Dr. Ottilie Scholz am 18. April um 11:30 Uhr den Grundstein für einen deutsch-armenischen Freundschaftsgarten, bereits eine Woche zuvor entstand parallel dazu in der armenischen Hauptstadt Jerewan ein ganz ähnlicher Garten. Beide Anlagen stehen unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundestagspräsident Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert.
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EPP Recognizes Armenian Genocide, Calls on Turkey to Face History
Mar/06/15 Archived in:Armenian genocide
BRUSSELS (A.W.)—On March 3, the European People’s Party (EPP) adopted a resolution recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide. According to the press service of the European Friends of Armenia, the resolution calls on Turkey to recognize and condemn the genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire as a basis for the complete normalization and Europeanization of its relationship along with its international commitments and European aspirations.Read further...
Gedenkveranstaltung zum 8. Todestag des armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink
Jan/16/15 Archived in:Armenian genocide
In Gedenken an den armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink (1956-2007) laden die Deutsch-Armenischen Gesellschaft, das Hrant Dink Forum Köln und das KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland auch in diesem Jahr zu einer interkulturellen Veranstaltung zur Stärkung des Dialogs und der Verständigung ein.Read further...
Worldwide Reading for Armenia 2015
Jan/16/15 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Among the numerous initiatives launched to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide is a reading of Armenian literary works on a grand scale. Organized by two cultural institutions in Germany, the initiative will honor the memory of Armenian intellectuals rounded up and killed on April 24, 1915, by presenting public readings of their works and those of later writers. On November 20, at the Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin, Dr. Rolf Hosfeld, director of the Lepsiushaus, and Ulrich Schreiber of the International Literature Festival Berlin, presented the initiative to representatives of the international press. Read further...
First Turkish Film to Show Armenian Genocide Harshly Received Before Release
Sep/06/14 Archived in:Armenian genocide | Culture
German-Turkish director Fatih Akin's latest film,
'The Cut' raises furor in Turkey, draws threats from nationalists.
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'The Cut' raises furor in Turkey, draws threats from nationalists.
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Gedenken an Völkermord – Einblick in die armenische Geschichte und Kultur
Sep/01/14 Archived in:Armenian genocide
BOCHUM Im April 2015 jährt sich zum 100. Mal der Völkermord an den Armeniern. Im Vorfeld lädt der Armenisch-Akademische Verein 1860 (AAV) zum „Armenischen Kulturherbst“ ein. „Wir wollen zeigen, das wir noch leben, musizieren, schöpfen, arbeiten, produzieren“, sagt dessen Leiter Azat Ordukhanyan: „Wir wollen unsere Kultur vorstellen.“Read further...
Statement by Palestinian performing art organizations 17th July 2014
Jul/06/14 Archived in:Palestine
Statement by Palestinian performing art organizations 17th July 2014
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Genocide Scholars Protest
European Human Rights Court Decision
Feb/21/14 Archived in:Armenian genocide
In response to a December 2013 ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Switzerland, a group of prominent genocide scholars has issued a letter to the Court. The ECHR had ruled in favor of those denying the fact that the Ottoman massacres of the Armenians in 1915 constituted genocide. The scholars write that the decision was political, not legal, and based on faulty information. Read further...
Neues Buch über die Türkei in Beirut vorgestellt
New Book on Turkey presented in Beirut

Armenian Issue in Turkey Widely Discussed
Dec/15/13 Archived in:Armenians in Turkey
In addition to personal memoirs of “hidden Armenians” several photographic collections documenting the history of the Armenians in Turkey and their fate in World War I are contributing to the expanding debate among civil society of the subject...Read further...
Taner Akçam in Berlin and Potsdam/
Dec/10/13 Archived in:Armenian genocide

Archaeological Finds Shed Light on Urartu Civilization
Oct/30/13 Archived in:Culture
Excavations in the area of Yerevan, capital of the Republic of Armenia, have unearthed new evidence of the pre-Christian Kingdom of Van or Urartu.
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„Das unsagbare schreiben“ im Literaturhaus Berlin
Oct/20/13 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Am 17 Oktober organisierte der Kulturverein Spree-Athen eine Veranstaltung über die Literatur des Genozids. Unter dem Titel "Im Brennpunkt der Erinnerung": Texte zu dem 1915 in der Türkei verübten Völkermord...Read further...
Farce in Turkey's Courts: Act Two
Oct/08/13 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
October 8, 2013 – The turmoil that has swept Turkey since the eruption of protests in Gezi Park and Taksim Square seems to have reached the institutions of the judiciary as well. On October 4, the Istanbul court convened to review the case of Dogan Akhanli, a German-Turkish author and human rights activist who had been framed up on charges of membership in a subversive political organization and participation in armed robbery and murder. In 2010, the same Istanbul court had handed down an acquittal, clearing him of all charges.Read further...
Gumri Octet School Launches Musical Renaissance
By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
GUMRI — Armenians in Gumri celebrated the 22nd anniversary of independence appropriately with music. On September 20, a day before the official festivities took place in Yerevan and other cities, leading national figures joined by international guests officiated over the open- ing of the brand new Octet music school, which had been destroyed in the 1988 earth- quake. Read further...
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
GUMRI — Armenians in Gumri celebrated the 22nd anniversary of independence appropriately with music. On September 20, a day before the official festivities took place in Yerevan and other cities, leading national figures joined by international guests officiated over the open- ing of the brand new Octet music school, which had been destroyed in the 1988 earth- quake. Read further...
Apology for Genocide by Kurdish Leaders
Sep/20/13 Archived in:Armenian genocide
During a ceremony inaugurating the Monument of Common Conscience in Diyarbakir, Turkey, Kurdish leaders issued an apology for the genocide against Armenians and Assyrians, and called on Turkish authorities to follow suit.Read further...
Vorstellung der Mirak-Weißbach-Stiftung
Am 7 September 2013 wurden die Mirak-Weißbach-Stiftung und das Projekt „Ein Blüthner-Flügel für Gjumri“ im Lepsiushaus, Potsdam vorgestellt. Auszüge der Rede der Mitbegründerin der Stiftung. Read further...
Schutzverantwortung mit Todesfolgen
Aug/07/13 Archived in:Syrien
Artikel über Syrien von Vizepräsidenten der Deutsch-Arabische-Gesellschaft Dr. Gerhard Fulda
Der Konflikt in Syrien muss auch Anlass sein, das Konzept der Schutzverantwortung weiter auszuarbeiten. Doch der Libyeneinsatz 2011 bietet dafür keine geeignete Vorlage, meint Botschafter a.D. und DAG-Vizepräsident Gerhard Fulda.
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Der Konflikt in Syrien muss auch Anlass sein, das Konzept der Schutzverantwortung weiter auszuarbeiten. Doch der Libyeneinsatz 2011 bietet dafür keine geeignete Vorlage, meint Botschafter a.D. und DAG-Vizepräsident Gerhard Fulda.
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Die Deutsch-Arabische-Gesellschaft (DAG) erinnert an den 10. Todestag (05.06.2013) ihres früheren Präsidenten, den vormaligen deutschen Vizekanzler und Bundeswirtschaftsminister, Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.
Aug/07/13 Archived in:DAG
Die Deutsch-Arabische-Gesellschaft (DAG) erinnert an den 10. Todestag (05.06.2013) ihres früheren Präsidenten, den vormaligen deutschen Vizekanzler und Bundeswirtschaftsminister, Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann.Read further...
Möllemann - das Mysterium um seinen Tod
Aug/07/13 Archived in:DAG
„Ich weiß, daß manche bei meinen Sprüngen nur so lange geklatscht haben, wie der Fallschirm noch zu war.“
Jürgen Möllemann (1945-2003)
Genau 10 Jahre nach Möllemanns Tod sorgt ein rätselhafter Brief des FDP-Politikers und Möllemann-Freundes, Wolfgang Kubicki, für Aufsehen. Für den Unbedarften mögen diese Informationen, dass sich Möllemann damals verfolgt und beobachtet fühlte, neu sein, denn laut Medienangaben gibt es an der Suizidthese nichts zu rütteln. Read further...
Jürgen Möllemann (1945-2003)
Genau 10 Jahre nach Möllemanns Tod sorgt ein rätselhafter Brief des FDP-Politikers und Möllemann-Freundes, Wolfgang Kubicki, für Aufsehen. Für den Unbedarften mögen diese Informationen, dass sich Möllemann damals verfolgt und beobachtet fühlte, neu sein, denn laut Medienangaben gibt es an der Suizidthese nichts zu rütteln. Read further...
Mirak-Weißbach-Stiftung unterstützt Musikschule in Armenien
Jul/24/13 Archived in:Culture
Die “Mirak-Weißbach-Stiftung” wurde offiziell am 1. August 2012 als rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts registriert und als gemeinnützige Einrichtung anerkannt, so dass alle Zuwendungen von der Steuer abzugsfähig sind.Read further...
DEUTSCH-ARABISCHE GESELLSCHAFT begrüßt EU-Richtlinie zu den von Israel besetzten arabischen Gebieten
Jul/24/13 Archived in:Israel
Die Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft begrüßt die EU-Richtlinie zur Zusammenarbeit mit Israel, mit der verhindert werden soll, für Israel bestimmte europäische Fördergelder auch israelischen Projekten in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten zugute kommen zu lassen.Read further...
Young Turk’s Grandson Speaks In Germany
Feb/19/13 Archived in:Armenian genocide
BERLIN — In Germany, where the largest Turkish community outside of Turkey lives, there were two special events commemorating the life and work of Hrant Dink on the sixth anniversary of his death. Along with cultural events, like the performance of the play “Anne’s Silence,” there were presentations of a new book by a Turkish intellectual. Read further...
Book Launch in Boston Area
Jan/16/13 Archived in:Arab revolution | Books
In October 2012, my new book, Madmen at the Helm: Pathology and Politics in the Arab Spring (Ithaca, July 2012) was presented in several venues in the Boston area: the Old South Meeting House (Oct. 17), Book Ends bookstore in Winchester (Oct. 18), the Armenian Cultural Foundation (Oct. 21) and Robbins Public Library, Arlington (Oct. 25). The first event in the historic Old South Meeting House was a panel discussion together with Professor Roger Owen of Harvard University, author of The RISE and FALL of Arab Presidents for Life (Harvard University Press, May 2012). Psychologist Dr. Jack Danielian was the moderator. Read more...
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German-Turkish-Armenian Project Dramatizes Search for Identity
Jan/16/13 Archived in:Culture
For a review of Doğan Akhanlı’s new play, “Annes Schweigen” (Anne’s Silence), see http://www.mirrorspectator.com/pdf/122212.pdf, scroll down to pages 14 and 17. The play will be performed in Cologne, Germany (Köln) on January 17, 18, and 19 at 19:00, Theater am Bauturm. Read my Article here...
Palestinian Historian Walid Khalidi on the NAKBA
Jan/16/13 Archived in:Palestine

A digital version of Prof. Khalidi’s book, Before Their Diaspora, has just eben issued. See: http://btd.palestine-studies.org/ This richly illustrated volume, first published in 1984, documents life in Palestine before the expulsion.
Israeli “New Historian” at NAKBA Exhibit in Berne
Jan/16/13 Archived in:Palestine
Ilan Pappe, the leading member of the so-called “new historians” from Israel, delivered a lecture in the context of an extraordinarily successful exhibit on the NAKBA (the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948) in Berne, Switzerland in late November. Professor Pappe is the author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (OneWorld, Oxford, 2006), which presents documentation from the Israeli side of the Nakba, first researched by Walid Khalidi. Pappe spoke on November 30 at the University of Berne, on the subject, “1948 – A Different Story.” Following the presentation before a crowd of 400, there was a question and answer session. Both were filmed by Simsalafilm and are available on YouTube:
Part 1: The speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R91asKI_kQ
Part 2: Q & A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrGL2tw8CN0
Part 1: The speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R91asKI_kQ
Part 2: Q & A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrGL2tw8CN0
Hrant-Dink Gedenkwoche
Im Januar veranstaltet das Hrant Dink Forum Köln erneut Gedenkveranstaltungen zum 6. Todestag des ermordeten Journalisten und Menschenrechtlers:
Am 17., 18. und 19. Januar jeweils um 20 Uhr wird das Theaterstück „Annes Schweigen“ des Kölner Autors Doğan Akhanlı im Theater im Bauturm gezeigt; (mit Bea Ehlers-Kerbekian, Regie: Ron Rosenberg), mit anschl. Diskussionenen, u.a. mit Günter Wallraff, Muriel Mirak-Weißbach und Osman Okkan. Mehr Infos unter: www.annesschweigen.blogspot.com
Der Autor und Journalist Hasan Cemal, Enkel des für den Völkermord an den Armeniern mitverantwortlichen Cemal Pascha, stellt am 21. Januar 2013 um 19 Uhr in der Großen Aula der Universität Köln sein Buch „1915 – Ermeni Soykırım“ / 1915 – Genozid an den Armeniern“ vor. Hasan Cemal ist am 18.1.2013 um 19 Uhr an der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin zu Gast.
Am 17., 18. und 19. Januar jeweils um 20 Uhr wird das Theaterstück „Annes Schweigen“ des Kölner Autors Doğan Akhanlı im Theater im Bauturm gezeigt; (mit Bea Ehlers-Kerbekian, Regie: Ron Rosenberg), mit anschl. Diskussionenen, u.a. mit Günter Wallraff, Muriel Mirak-Weißbach und Osman Okkan. Mehr Infos unter: www.annesschweigen.blogspot.com
Der Autor und Journalist Hasan Cemal, Enkel des für den Völkermord an den Armeniern mitverantwortlichen Cemal Pascha, stellt am 21. Januar 2013 um 19 Uhr in der Großen Aula der Universität Köln sein Buch „1915 – Ermeni Soykırım“ / 1915 – Genozid an den Armeniern“ vor. Hasan Cemal ist am 18.1.2013 um 19 Uhr an der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin zu Gast.
Grandson of Young Turk Triumvir Publishes Account of 1915 Genocide
Jan/16/13 Archived in:Armenian genocide

Buch von Hasan Cemal über den Massenmord an den Armeniern 1915:
South African Ruling Party Endorses Boycott Campaign Against Israel
Jan/16/13 Archived in:Palestine
The ruling party of South Africa, a country whose apartheid regime was ended in part due to an international boycott campaign, has joined the efforts of the BDS to boycott Israeli goods.
Grandson of Young Turk Triumvir Issues Book on Armenian Genocide
Sep/30/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide
The grandson of Cemal Pasha, one of the three Ottoman Young Turk leaders who organized and implemented the genocide against the Armenians in 1915, has spoken out publicly against the massacres. Now he has issued a book which bears the unequivocal title, “1915. Armenian Genocide.”
Leading Personalities Support Nakba Exhibit
Sep/30/12 Archived in:Palestine
The travelling exhibit on the Nakba – the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 – has been raising awareness in Germany of what really occurred in the process of the foundation of the state of Israel. It has been criticized and in many cases sabotaged by parties interested in burying the historical record. In response, a large number of respected intellectuals, writers, human rights activists, political figures, and others have signed a statement in support of the Nakba exhibit.

See also http://www.lib-hilfe.de/fakten_austellung_unterstuetzer.html
Book Launch in Boston Area
Sep/30/12 Archived in:Arab revolution
In October, Muriel Mirak-Weissbach will present her new book at several venues in the greater Boston area. The book, Madmen at the Helm: Pathology and Politics in the Arab Spring, was released by Ithaca Press in Reading, UK in July. Read further...
The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award goes to İsmail Beşikçi from Turkey and “Memorial” from Russia
Sep/30/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award was presented to laureates İsmail Beşikçi from Turkey and "Memorial" from Russia, on September 15, 2012, with a ceremony organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation held at the Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall in Istanbul.Read further...
Old versus new, democracy versus dictatorship, madness versus sanity...
Jul/30/12 Archived in:Arab revolution | Books
Ithaca Press is pleased to announce the publication of Madmen at the Helm: Pathology and the Arab Spring, by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach.
Are dictators mad or do they just not know when to quit? Do they know that people hate them, or do they have personality disorders that block this knowledge from their consciousness? Read further...
Are dictators mad or do they just not know when to quit? Do they know that people hate them, or do they have personality disorders that block this knowledge from their consciousness? Read further...
Potsdam University and Lepsius House Cooperate to Promote Genocide Studies
Potsdam Universität kooperiert mit dem Lepsiushaus
Jun/22/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide

The University of Potsdam and the Lepsius House signed an agreement on June 6, 2012 to enhance their cooperation in the field of genocide studies. The Lepsius House is a museum and research center located in the former home of Dr. Johannes Lepsius, the renowned theologian and scholar who documented the 1915 Armenian genocide.
Professor Dr. Johann Hafner, Dean of the Philosophy Department, explained that students will be able to make use of the Lepsius House’s facilities, including rooms, archives, and library. In addition they “will be able to complete scientific internships there, receive assistance in their dissertations, and participate in research projects, conferences and publications.” The University, for its part, will lend institutional support to the work of the Lepsius House and cooperate on projects and conferences. http://asbarez.com/103549/potsdam-university-and-‘house-of-lepsius’-to-advance-genocide-studies/

Stellungnahme zur Erklärung des Kölner Arbeitskreises Israel-Palästina zur Ausstellung „Die Nakba – Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948“ im Allerweltshaus in Köln.

Siehe auch
Zehnter Jahrestag der “Berliner-Mauer” in Westjordanland
Tenth Anniversary of „Berlin Wall“ in West Bank
Jun/22/12 Archived in:Israel/Palestine

Am 16. Juni 2002 wurde in Israel entschieden, eine Mauer durch das Westjordanland zu bauen und nur Tage später war mit dem Bauprojekt begonnen worden. Obwohl in der internationalen Presse sonst kaum etwas darüber geschrieben wurde, hat Reece Jones, Professor an der Universität Hawaii-Manoa und Buchautor, einen Kommentar zum Jahrestag veröffentlicht.
Op-Ed: The Israel Wall

On June 16, 2002 the decision to build a wall in the West Bank was approved by Israel and work began shortly thereafter. Although the mainstream international press seems to have taken little notice, Reece Jones, an Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii-Manoa and book author, has published an OpEd on the anniversary. Op-Ed: The Israel Wall
Read further...
NAKBA Ausstellung in Köln sorgt für Kontroverse
NAKBA Exhibit Sparks Controversy in Cologne
Jun/22/12 Archived in:Palestine

New Documents from German Foreign Ministry Archive Published: “Germany’s Orient Policy and the First World War”
Jun/05/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Neue Unterlagen aus dem AA Veröffentlicht: „Die deutsche Orient-Politik un der Erste Weltkrieg“
The website www.armenocide.net has published a new series of documents from the German Foreign Ministry archives related to the genocide against the Armenians. The documents are in German, but a Foreword and Introduction are also in English. See: http://www.armenocide.net
Turkish Publisher Honored
Jun/05/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide
The well-known and respected Turkish publisher, Ragip Zarakolu, has received an award in recognition of his commitment to freedom of the press. Zarakolu was recently freed from detention after an international campaign called for his release. His publishing company Belge has issued studies by Armenian, Kurdish, and Greek authors, often on taboo subjects, like the 1915 genocide against the Armenians. See. http://www.mirrorspectator.com/2012/05/17/turkish-publisher-ragip-zarakolu-honored-by-pen/#more-6844
Experts Analyze the Syria Crisis
Jun/05/12 Archived in:Arab revolution
What do we really know about the Syrian crisis? Given the press distortions and partisan accounts from both sides, it is not an easy question to answer. In the words of a professional risk analyst speaking at a recent seminar in Germany, it is comparable to what we can know about a hippopotamus in water: after all, what we see are only its ears and eyes. Indeed, fourteen months after the outbreak of demonstrations in Syria, anyone who claims to know how the crisis will evolve and where it will ultimately lead is either endowed with super-human capabilities or is submerged deep into the water, with goggles, an oxygen mask, and measuring instruments capable of measuring the beast’s heartbeat and other vital signs.
The seminar, entitled, “Syria in Civil War: the Multiethnic State Put to the Test” (“Syrien im Bürgerkrieg: der Vielvölkerstaat in der Zerreißprobe”), was organized by the German-Arab Society together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on May 17-18, in the Theodor-Heuss Akademie in Gummersbach, Germany. Read further...
The seminar, entitled, “Syria in Civil War: the Multiethnic State Put to the Test” (“Syrien im Bürgerkrieg: der Vielvölkerstaat in der Zerreißprobe”), was organized by the German-Arab Society together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on May 17-18, in the Theodor-Heuss Akademie in Gummersbach, Germany. Read further...
Rettung für das Theater der Bach-, Luther- und Telemannstadt Eisenach!
May/24/12 Archived in:Culture
The Eisenach Theater, founded in 1879, represents a cultural asset for the entire Thuringia region, with its vast repertoire of music, theater, and puppet theater. Now, in the context of dwindling resources for cultural budgets, the theatre is threatened with closure. Intellectuals, artists, citizens, and friends of the German cultural tradition have joined forces to protest the threatened closure. The petition they are circulating has already won massive support, and needs more.
German President to Visit Israel: Will He Speak Out for Freedom?
May/24/12 Archived in:Israel
The upcoming visit of Gemrany’s new President Gauck to Israel has raised hopes among pro-peace activists that he, a respected activist in the successful 1989 ‘peaceful revolution“ of East Germans, will use the opportunity to speak out in defense of basic human rights. Evelyn Hecht Galinski, daughter of the late head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has issued an open letter to Gauck, calling on him to do just this.
Middle East Crisis and the Fate of Christians
May/24/12 Archived in:Culture
In the continuing tensions between Israel and the Palestinian population in the Occupied Territories, one aspect that is often overlooked relates to the fate of the Christians in the region. As a result of the occupation policy of Israel, the Christian population—which has inhabited the region since the time of Christ—has been dwindling, driven out by the forces of political repression and economic depression. The American television channel CBS presented a feature on this crisis as part of its ‘’60 Minutes“ program. The report includes statements by the Israeli Ambassador in the U.S. A Palestinian professor of sociology at the University of Bethlehem, Bernhard Sabella, provided a follow-up commentary on the program.
Christians of the Holy Land:
See http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7406228n
Commentary of CBS Report by Professor of Sociology at Bethlehem University, Prof. Bernhard Sabella
Nakba Day
May/24/12 Archived in:Palestine
On May 15, Palestinians throughout the world commemorated the 64th anniversary of the ‘‘Nakba“ – the ‘‘Catastrophe“—of the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from their homelands in the process leading up to the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948. Among the many articles and background reports issued, a statement by Prof. Walid Khalidi is of special importance. Prof. Khalidi, a renowned Palestinian historian, was the first to publish documents on ‘‘Plan Dalet,“ the strategic plan of the Zionists under Ben Gurion to rid Palestine of its inhabitants and occupy their land as part of the new state of Israel. Palestine Studies has published a special issue on the event, including the statement by Prof. Khalidi. See http://www.palestine-studies.org/#nakba
Dante’s Divine Comedy Accused of Antisemitism, Homophobia and Racism
Mar/23/12 Archived in:Culture
Outrageous but true: a would-be human rights organization has protested the masterpiece of Dante Alighieri, accusing the poet of anti-Semitism, homophobia, and racism. Read further...
Report on the Trial of Salomon Teilirian
Mar/23/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide
The stenographic report of the proceedings of the trial held in Berlin on June 2-3, 1921 against Salomon Teilirian is available in German at


https://sites.google.com/site/nichtichbindermoerder/literatur-tip-1/pressespiegel1921Read further...
US Military Experts Tell Obama: No War With Iran – Ranghohe US Militärexperten Sagen Nein zum Krieg gegen Iran
Mar/23/12 Archived in:Middle East
US Military Experts Tell Obama: No War With Iran
On March 5, a full-page ad appeared in the Washington Post, entitled: “Mr. President: Say No to War of Choice with Iran.” The appearance of the ad, signed by a number of respected retired military officers and containing several quotes by former and current officials warning against war, coincided with the visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The group promoting the ad is the NIAC (National Iranian American Council), which has been lobbying relentlessly against war and for a diplomatic solution.
Ranghohe US Militärexperten Sagen Nein zum Krieg gegen Iran
http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.com/2012/03/ranghohe-us-militars-schalten-inserat.html#ixzz1oKMSdSDbRead further...
On March 5, a full-page ad appeared in the Washington Post, entitled: “Mr. President: Say No to War of Choice with Iran.” The appearance of the ad, signed by a number of respected retired military officers and containing several quotes by former and current officials warning against war, coincided with the visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The group promoting the ad is the NIAC (National Iranian American Council), which has been lobbying relentlessly against war and for a diplomatic solution.

Ranghohe US Militärexperten Sagen Nein zum Krieg gegen Iran

New Study of Turkey-Armenia Protocols Released
Mar/23/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
On March 2, 2012, a new monograph on the background to the Turkey-Armenia protocols of 2009 was released at Columbia University. The report, written by David L. Phillips, is entitled “Diplomatic History: The Turkey-Armenia Protocols,” and provides new information on the rapprochement process. It can be accessed and downloaded at
http://hrcolumbia.org/peacebuilding/dh.Read further...
Books in Arabic Presented in Jordan
Mar/02/12 Archived in:Books
On February 20, 2012, two of my books that have appeared in Arabic were presented at the Jordanian Writers’ Association in Amman, Jordan. Read further...
Turkish Intellectual Urges Armenians To Visit Anatoli
Feb/20/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey

To Visit Anatolia
Ahmet Altan, a leading Turkish journalist, spoke to Armenians in Watertown, Massachusetts about the ongoing discussion process inside Turkey about the genocide of 1915. he urged Armenians to visit Turkey to engage in direct personal contact with citizens there.
KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland gedenkt Hrant Dink
Feb/17/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey

Am 23 Januar war ich in Köln eingeladen, mein Buch Jenseits der Feuerwand vorzustellen. Dr. Alper Öktem hat die Arbeit der Hrant-Dink-Stiftung in Istanbul vorgestellt.

Commemorations were held in Berlin, Cologne and many other German cities in late January on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the murder of Hrant Dink. The KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland, an organization which promotes understanding and reconciliation among Germans, Turks and Armenians, invited Turkish author and lawyer Fetiye Çetin on January 20 to speak in Cologne on the just-concluded trial against persons accused of involvement in Dink’s murder. Ms. Çetin travelled on to Berlin, where she addressed a large audience on the same topic. On January 23, I was invited by the same cultural dialogue group to present my book, Through the Wall of Fire at the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne. Dr. Alper Öktem presented the work of the Hrant Dink Foundation in Istanbul.
„Meine armenische Grossmutter: die Türkei und ihre Identität“
Feb/17/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide

Am 10. Februar hat das Lepsiushaus in Potsdam (http://lespiushaus.wordpress.com) mich eingeladen, einen Vortrag über meine Familiengeschichte und die „Großmutter-Debatte“ in der heutigen Türkei zu halten.
Am 13 Februar hat das DeutschlandradioKultur ein Interview mit mir über das gleiche Thema gesendet:

„My Armenian Grandmother: Turkey and Its Identity“
On February 10, I was invited to present a talk at the Lepsius House on her family history and the “grandmother debate” in today’s Turkey. The Lepsius House is a documentation center and meeting place for Germans, Turks and Armenians, located in the villa where Dr. Johannes Lepsius lived and worked (http://lepsiushaus.wordpress.com). On February 13, the cultural program on German national radio, DeustchlandradioKultur, broadcast an interview with me on the same theme: http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/thema/16764867
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»Zeitbombe in Jerusalem«
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Israel/Palestine

Besetztes Ost-Jerusalem, Stadtteil Silwan. Wenn der palästinensische Muslim Abu Jamil nachts um zwei Uhr sein Ohr auf den Fußboden legt, dann hört er sie: jüdische Siedler, die Israels Antikenbehörde helfen wollen, einen Tunnel vom angeblichen Palast König Davids bis zum Tempelberg zu graben.
French Genocide Bill Provokes Uproar
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach – The bill voted up on December 22 by the French parliament (Assemblée nationale), which would make denial of genocide (including the 1915 genocide against the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey) a crime, has provoked strong reactions from the Turkish government and sparked a debate among Turks and Armenians worldwide. Read Further
This article is published also here:
http://www.agos.com.tr/french-genocide-bill-provokes-uproar-314.htmlRead further...
This article is published also here:
http://www.agos.com.tr/french-genocide-bill-provokes-uproar-314.htmlRead further...
Armenia Celebrates 500 Years of Printing
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Culture
2012 marks a half millennium after the printing of the first Armenian book in Venice. From there, books in the Armenian language were published in Madras, Lvov, Rome, Milan, Paris, Nor Julfa, Amsterdam, and then in major cities in Russia and Armenia. To commemorate the event, Yerevan has been named World Book Capital, and exhibits will be take place there as well as in leading cities in Europe and the United States, presenting illustrated manuscripts and other antique volumes.
New Book Documents Lives of Armenians in Turkey
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
A new book was published at the end of the 2011, documenting the experiences of Armenians in Turkey whose ancestors had survived the 1915 genocide. Part of an oral history program of the Hrant Dink Foundation, the book, entitled “Sounds of Silence, Armenians of Turkey Speak,” is based on interviews with 40 people in Istanbul and other provinces.
New Play on 1915 Debut
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Culture
New Play on 1915 Debut
“Deported – a dream play,” by Joyce Van Dyke, will hold its premiere performance at the Modern Theatre in Boston on March 8, 2012. Written by a descendant of Armenians who survived the genocide, the play “is the true story of two women survivors and their friendship,” one of them the author’s grandmother. “But the play spins outward from there, spanning a century and weaving a dream-tissue of characters from different cultures and time periods who meet in the impossible dialogue of a dream. The play’s last act is a futuristic dream of the 21st century beyond the centenary of the genocide. The language and events are highly theatrical, poetic, and emotionally intense, with a surprising amount of humor.”
From: About the Development of the Play, by Joyce Van Dyke
“Deported – a dream play,” by Joyce Van Dyke, will hold its premiere performance at the Modern Theatre in Boston on March 8, 2012. Written by a descendant of Armenians who survived the genocide, the play “is the true story of two women survivors and their friendship,” one of them the author’s grandmother. “But the play spins outward from there, spanning a century and weaving a dream-tissue of characters from different cultures and time periods who meet in the impossible dialogue of a dream. The play’s last act is a futuristic dream of the 21st century beyond the centenary of the genocide. The language and events are highly theatrical, poetic, and emotionally intense, with a surprising amount of humor.”
From: About the Development of the Play, by Joyce Van Dyke
Palestinian Membership in UNESCO Challenges Israeli Cultural Theft Policy
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Culture
With the Palestinians being welcomed as members of UNESCO, a new chapter has opened in the strained relations between Israeli authorities and the Palestinians over historical and religious treasures in the occupied territories. While Israeli military operations have damaged or destroyed many sites, in Nablus and Bethlehem, for example, Israel’s official archaeological and tourism policy attempts to lay claim to many others – especially in Jerusalem, which it claims as the eternal and undivided capital of Israel.
Finkelstein and Mearsheimer on the Future of Israel
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Israel

As so-called “peace talks” resumed in Jordan at year’s end and Middle East policy took center stage in the first primary elections in the Republican Party in the U.S., two leading experts on Israel conducted a lengthy interview in the American conservative blog, on the future of Israel. Norman Finkelstein and John Mearsheimer, authors of groundbreaking studies on the conflict, explore the changing attitudes towards Israel, especially in the U.S., and the perspectives for peace.
Haaretz Publisher on “Israeli Apartheid”
Jan/06/12 Archived in:Israel/Palestine
“Die israelische Apartheid,” Gastbeitrag von Amos Schocken
Amos Schocken, owner and publisher of the liberal Israel newspaper Haaretz spoke out against Israel’s apartheid policy in an OpEd carried in the German press at year’s end (Berliner Zeitung, Dec. 1, 2011, and Frankfurter Rundschau, Nov. 29, 2011).

Nakba Exhibit in Mainz, Zürich.
Nov/12/11 Archived in:Palestine
The exhibit on the “Nakba – Flight and Expulsion of the Palestinians 1948“ – “Die Nakba: Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948” will be in Mainz, from Nov. 9 – 25, at the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde, Am Ginsenheimer Spieß 1, 55122 Mainz. It will also be featured as part of a Palestinian cultural festival in Zürich, Switzerland, from Nov. 15 – December 12, at the Rote Fabrik, http://www.rotefabrik.ch/de/konzept

Shakespeare Unites Youth from Shanghai to Ramallah
Nov/12/11 Archived in:Culture
At the Shakespeare festival in Essen, Germany, youth from theatre schools in Shanghai, Sibiu (Rumania), Ramallah, New York, and Essen joined from October 29 to November 8, to perform Shakespeare’s Midsummernight’s Dream (Sommernachtstraum). The individual groups performed the piece in their own languages separately, then presented a multi-lingual international production together at the Folkwang University of the Arts (Folkwang Universität der Künste).
Turkish Scholars Present Debate on 1915/1916
Nov/12/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
An important international conference took place at the Potsdam University on November 5 on the controversial subject of the Armenian genocide.Read further...
Turkish Publisher Arrested
Nov/03/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey

Intellectuals and human rights activists immediately launched a campaign to free Mr. Zarakolu and Prof. Ersanli, among others arrests for political reasons.
Through the Wall of Fire in German
Oct/28/11 Archived in:Books

The first German edition of my book appeared just in time for the Frankfurt Book Fair. Published by Verlag Hans Schiler in Berlin (http://www.schiler.de) under the title, Jenseits der Feuerwand: Armenien – Irak – Palästina: Vom Zorn zur Versöhnung, ISBN 978-3-89930-368-1, it can be ordered by email from info@schiler.de. or click here…

Through the Wall of Fire in Arabic
Oct/28/11 Archived in:Books
All-Prints Distributors and Publishers in Beirut, Lebanon (http://www.all-prints.com) has released the Arabic translation of my book, Through the Wall of Fire: Armenia – Iraq – Palestine: From Wrath to Reconciliation. The book can be ordered by email from tradebooks@all-prints.com and, beginning in November, from info@alkutub.de.
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Taner Akcam Vindicated! European Court Rules against Article 301
Oct/28/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
The European Court of Human Rights handed down a groundbreaking ruling on October 25, declaring that Article 301 of the Turkish penal code, which considers “insulting Turkishness” to be a crime, constitutes a violation of freedom of expression. The case examined was that of Turkish historian Prof. Taner Akcam, who had been the subject of an investigation and harassment in Turkey, due to his scholarly research into the 1915 genocide against the Armenians.
http://www.huliq.com/10061/taner-akcam-turkish-journalist-vindicated-armenian-genocide-caseRead further...
NAKBA Exhibit in Wiesbaden
Oct/28/11 Archived in:Palestine
The exhibit on "The Nakba – Flight and Expulsion of the Palestinians 1948” can be seen in Wiesbaden at the CVJM-Haus, Oranienstr. 15, from Oct. 24 to Nov. 4. Open Monday-Friday, 12:00 – 16:00.
The Kurds and the Armenian Genocide
Oct/18/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Turkish Scholar Denounces Turkish Campaign to Deny the Genocide
Aug/09/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Prof. Taner Akcam, the leading Turkish scholar of the Armenian genocide, made headlines when he revealed that he had received information from reliable sources in Istanbul, according to which the Turkish government was mounting an effort to counter Armenian claims of genocide in 1915, by fabricating historical studies that not only deny the genocide, but go so far as to assert that those historians who have documented the genocide, have simply invented the entire story. Prof. Akcam received the information from a private source who had access to Turkish Foreign Ministry circles. The latter reported that an American professor had proposed to ministry officials that they launch a campaign promoting and financing "scholarly research" by American researchers, to counter the widely accepted claim that it was genocide. The proposal was accepted and since then (2005) some American scholars have received payment to conduct such research.
Vatican Published Documentary on Armenian Genocide
Aug/09/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide | Vatican
A documentary prepared by the Vatican will present the 1915 genocide against the Armenians as a historical fact. Among the records made available are documents showing that Pope Benedict XV back in 1915 issued a letter to the Sultan Mehmet V, urging him to stop the killings.
Israelis Launch Campaign To Rewrite History
Jul/13/11 Archived in:Israel/Palestine
12.07.2011 – As the September date for the U.N. General Assembly meeting approaches, during which the issue of Palestinian statehood should be on the agenda, a group of Israeli right-wingers have launched a vile campaign to deny that Palestinians were expelled from their lands in 1948. As reported in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on June 18, the campaign to rewrite history not only denies the “Nakba” (expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948), but claims that the entire affair was a mere invention.Read further...
Service in Armenian Church in Turkey
Jun/20/11 Archived in:Culture
On June 18, the Surp Giragos Church in Diyarbakır hosted a service attended by the local mayor, diaspora Armenians, professors, historians, and clergy. The church, one of the largest in the Middle East, was restored through the efforts of Armenians from Istanbul and the diaspora, as well as the Diyabakır Sur Municipality and the Turkish Culture Ministry. A larger service is scheduled for October.
Turkish Intellectual Threatened With Life Sentence
Jun/20/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
The case of Dogan Akhanlı, a German citizen and human rights activist of Turkish descent, came up again in a hearing at the Istanbul 11th High Criminal Court on June 15. Akhanli was framed up on charges of armed robbery, jailed for four months, and released late last year. The Prosecutor Celal Kara called for a life sentence arguing that the armed robbery (for which there was no proof of Akhanlı’s participation) constituted an “attempt to overthrow the constitutional order of the Turkish republic by forces.”
UNESCO Falsifies Historical Record
Jun/20/11 Archived in:Culture

The exhibit is an event organized at a high level, sponsored by the Republic of Armenia’s Ministry of Culture, and attended by diplomats, historians, and art experts.
- http://www.epress.am/en/2011/06/17/scandal-surrounding-armenian-khachkar-exhibit-in-paris-unesco-house.html
- http://www.panorama.am/en/culture/2011/06/unesco-khachkar
- http://www.diasporamag.com/magazine/grosplan/chemin-de-croix-a-lunesco--lart-deskhatchkars.html
Stuttgart University Rector „Neutral“ On Genocide
Jun/14/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
The rector of the Stuttgart University cancelled a room for a meeting on May 28 during which a lecture and discussion of the 1915 Armenian genocide were to be presented. In motivating his decision, the rector told organizers that there had been protests by Turks “in Berlin” and that he thought one should maintain “neutrality” on the subject. The Central Council of Armenians in Germany, among others, condemned the move.
New Gaza Flotilla Underway
Jun/14/11 Archived in:Turkey
The “US to Gaza” flotilla is scheduled to arrive in Gaza in late June, on the anniversary of the Mavi Marmora campaign. Since Turkey has supported the humanitarian aid initiative, Israel will raise the issue of the 1915 Armenian genocide in parliament. According to Yossi Sarid, this is due to Israeli anger at Turkey’s support.
Israeli Government Torpedoes G8 Statement on 1967 Borders
Jun/14/11 Archived in:Israel/Palestine
Due to pressure from Israel, mediated by Canada, G8 ministers deleted a reference to the 1967 borders in their final declaration after meeting in France on May 26-27. Instead they criticized Palestinian plans to promote statehood at the UNGA in September.
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Israels Außenministerium mobilisiert Diplomaten gegen Palästinenserstaat
Jun/14/11 Archived in:Israel/Palestine
Ein Rundschreiben an israelischen Diplomaten stellt einen Plan dar, wie sie Lobbyarbeit gegen den Palästinenserstaat machen sollen.
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Israel Mobilizes Against Palestinian UN Initiative
Jun/14/11 Archived in:Israel/Palestine
According to secret cables published by Haaretz, the Israeli government is mobilizing its diplomats to block the initiative for declaration of a Palestinian state at the UN General Assembly in September.
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Turkish Intellectual Commemorates Armenian Genocide
May/06/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
On April 24, the guest speaker at the annual commemoration ceremony for the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the historic Paulskirche, in Frankfurt, Germany, was Turkish intellectual and author Dogan Akhanli. It was the first time that the Armenian community had invited someone of Turkish descent to hold the main address. Akhanli had been jailed in Turkey under the military regime, and later emigrated to Germany in 1992, where he lives. Over the years he has engaged in historical research on the Armenian genocide, the Nazi holocaust against the Jews, and other cases of ethnic and religious oppression. He has used the fruits of his research to educate the public, through forums, conferences, seminars, in Cologne, where he lives, and in the capital Berlin.
He is the author of several novels in Turkish, translated into Germans, one of which takes up the theme of the Armenian genocide, a topic forbidden by Turkish law. In August 2010, he returned to Turkey to visit his dying father, but was arrested at the airport and thrown into prison for four months. He was put on trial on hoked-up charges of participaton in an armed robbery and murder dating back decades. Although the testimony of witnesses had been procured under duress, and the same witnesses later withdrew their testimony, a farcical trial did take place. Thanks to a campaign in his defense, organized by civil rights activists and Turkish and German intellectuals, he managed to leave Turkey and return to Germany early this year. Articles reporting on Akhanli's case can be found under Publications on this website.Read further...
He is the author of several novels in Turkish, translated into Germans, one of which takes up the theme of the Armenian genocide, a topic forbidden by Turkish law. In August 2010, he returned to Turkey to visit his dying father, but was arrested at the airport and thrown into prison for four months. He was put on trial on hoked-up charges of participaton in an armed robbery and murder dating back decades. Although the testimony of witnesses had been procured under duress, and the same witnesses later withdrew their testimony, a farcical trial did take place. Thanks to a campaign in his defense, organized by civil rights activists and Turkish and German intellectuals, he managed to leave Turkey and return to Germany early this year. Articles reporting on Akhanli's case can be found under Publications on this website.Read further...
Peaceful Solution to Nagorno-Karabagh Conflict
Mar/14/11 Archived in:Nagorno-Karabagh
Thre Russian, Azerbaijani, and Armenian presidents met in Sochi and declared their intention to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict.
1) http://www.mirrorspectator.com/?p=4742
2) http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=azerbaijan-armenia-back-peaceful-resolution-karabagh-2011-03-06
1) http://www.mirrorspectator.com/?p=4742
2) http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=azerbaijan-armenia-back-peaceful-resolution-karabagh-2011-03-06
Israel Apartheid Week
Mar/14/11 Archived in:Israel
From March 7-20, activists will organize events protesting Israel’s apartheid policies.
Israelis Fear West Bank Uprising
Mar/14/11 Archived in:Arab revolution
In the wake of the Arab revolution sweeping north Africa, and the Guf region, Israeli authorities are finally addressing the question: could it happen here? And, if so, what should Israel do?
Press Freedom Demanded in Turkey
Mar/14/11 Archived in:Turkey
Demonstrators in Istanbul demand freedom of expression for the press.
New Honors for West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Culture
The youth orchestra made up of Israeli, Palestinian, and other Arab musicians received the Dresden Peace Prize.
Armenian Appointed to Political Post in Turkey
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
For the first time, the Turkish government has named an Armenian scholar to a government position, in the Secretariat for European Union Affairs. http://www.eurasianet.org/node/62998
Armenians from Istanbul Seek Parliamentary Posts
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
In the upcoming June elections in Turkey, seven Armenians have announced they will run for office. http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/world/news/60960/
Will Turkish Official Attend Genocide Commemoration?
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey | Armenian genocide
The Turkish government has announced it will take part in events observing the Armenian genocide, traditonally organized on April 24, the anniversary of the mass arrests of Armenian intellectuals and leaders in 1915.
1) http://www.huliq.com/8738/turkey-may-send-minister-armenian-genocide-observance
2) http://www.panarmenian.net/
1) http://www.huliq.com/8738/turkey-may-send-minister-armenian-genocide-observance
2) http://www.panarmenian.net/
Deutsch-Arabische-Gesellschaft Mitglied bei der Revolution in Kairo
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Strategy
Bei dem Neujahrsempfang der Deutsch-Arabischen Gesellschaft in Berlin am 26.2, hat Peter Scholl-Latour die Revolutionen in der arabischen Welt kommentiert. Vorstandsmitglied und ehemaliger Diplomat Dr. Gerhard Fulda, der zur Zeit in Kairo war, hat seine Erlebnisse mit Begeisterung geschildert. Ein Bericht von Dr. Fulda ist in der NZZ erschienen. http://www.nzz.ch/nachrichten/startseite/fatale_vorliebe_fuer_militaerregime_1.9528992.html
Dogan Akhanli im Rathaus empfangen
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
Der Kölner Oberbürgermeister Jürgen Roters lud unseren Freund Dogan Akhanli gestern zu einem Empfang ins Rathaus. Den Dank des OB an die Vertreter der Solidaritätskampagne, die zur Freilassung Akhanlis beigetragen haben, möchten wir hiermit an alle Unterstützer weitergeben! Das Video dazu unter: www.ksta.de http://bcove.me/fi6sofar
Der Prozess gegen Dogan Akhanli wird am 9. März in Istanbul fortgesetzt. Akhanli wird wegen seines einjährigen Einreiseverbots in die Türkei nicht an seinem Prozess teilnehmen können.
Am 20. April veranstaltet das Literaturhaus Köln in Kooperation mit dem KulturForum eine Lesung & Musik mit Dogan Akhanli.
Ein Schwurgericht in Istanbul bekräftigte Anfang Februar den Freispruch für die Soziologin Pinar Selek und widersprach damit dem Obersten Berufungsgericht in Ankara, das eine Verurteilung der Angeklagten wegen siebenfachen Mordes verlangt hatte. Die Staatsanwaltschaft legte jedoch Einspruch gegen den zum dritten Mal bekräftigten Freispruch für Selek ein. Damit geht der Fall erneut zum Obersten Berufungsgerichtshof in Ankara. Über dreißig Menschen aus Deutschland waren als Prozessbeobachter nach Istanbul gereist, darunter Günter Wallraff, Christa Schuenke (PEN-Deutschland) und Vertreter des KulturForum. Auch Yasar Kemal und Rakel Dink waren vor Ort.
Vier Jahre nach der Ermordung des armenisch-türkischen Journalisten Hrant Dink leiten die türkischen Behörden Ermittlungen gegen mehr als zwei Dutzend hohe Beamte ein, darunter der ehemalige Gouverneur und der Polizeipräsident Istanbuls. Die Entscheidung fiel Anfang Februar vor einem Istanbuler Gericht.
Der Prozess gegen Dogan Akhanli wird am 9. März in Istanbul fortgesetzt. Akhanli wird wegen seines einjährigen Einreiseverbots in die Türkei nicht an seinem Prozess teilnehmen können.
Am 20. April veranstaltet das Literaturhaus Köln in Kooperation mit dem KulturForum eine Lesung & Musik mit Dogan Akhanli.
Ein Schwurgericht in Istanbul bekräftigte Anfang Februar den Freispruch für die Soziologin Pinar Selek und widersprach damit dem Obersten Berufungsgericht in Ankara, das eine Verurteilung der Angeklagten wegen siebenfachen Mordes verlangt hatte. Die Staatsanwaltschaft legte jedoch Einspruch gegen den zum dritten Mal bekräftigten Freispruch für Selek ein. Damit geht der Fall erneut zum Obersten Berufungsgerichtshof in Ankara. Über dreißig Menschen aus Deutschland waren als Prozessbeobachter nach Istanbul gereist, darunter Günter Wallraff, Christa Schuenke (PEN-Deutschland) und Vertreter des KulturForum. Auch Yasar Kemal und Rakel Dink waren vor Ort.
Vier Jahre nach der Ermordung des armenisch-türkischen Journalisten Hrant Dink leiten die türkischen Behörden Ermittlungen gegen mehr als zwei Dutzend hohe Beamte ein, darunter der ehemalige Gouverneur und der Polizeipräsident Istanbuls. Die Entscheidung fiel Anfang Februar vor einem Istanbuler Gericht.
Vortrag in Frankfurt über Völkermord an den Armenien
Feb/18/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Am 5. Februar hat die Arbeitsgruppe Genozid und Trauma in Frankfurt Muriel Mirak-Weißbach eingeladen, einen Vortrag zu halten über den Völkermord an den Armeniern aus der Sicht der Familiengeschichte. Auszüge aus der Rede, wurden in der Online-Zeitschrift HAY Society abgedruckt.
Der Goldstone Report ist nicht tot
Feb/18/11 Archived in:Middle East
Am 24.02.2011 findet eine Parlamentsdebatte über den Report im Plenum des Deustchen Bundestag statt. Es geht um den UNO-Bericht über den Krieg in Gaza Ende 2008/Anfang 2009.
Armenian National Library Honors Turkish Author
Feb/18/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey | Culture
Ragib Zarakolu, a writer and human rights activist, received the “Hakob Maghapart” medal in Yerevan, for his campaign for recognition of the genocide against the Armenians in 1915.
Arab Revolutionary Wave Energizes Palestinian Cause
Feb/18/11 Archived in:Middle East
In wake of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions, Palestinian and international activists are escalating their efforts to achieve justice. Among the leading initiatives is that of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), and a call by several civil society groups for “people of conscience” to visit Palestine from July 8-19, 2011.
Support for „The Stuttgart Declaration for a One-State Solution in Palestine“
Feb/18/11 Archived in:Middle East
(Die Stuttgarter Erklärung füre die Gründung eines gemeinsames Staates Palästine”) is also gaining wide international support.
Exchanging Personal Biographies in Turkish-Armenian Dialogue
Feb/15/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
A January book exhibition in Yerevan featured a volume entitled Speaking to One Another, a collection of interviews with Armenians and Turks about the 1915 genocide.
http://www.armenieninfo.net/armenia-southcaucasus/628-turkey-armenia-dialogue.htmlRead further...
http://www.armenieninfo.net/armenia-southcaucasus/628-turkey-armenia-dialogue.htmlRead further...