NAKBA Ausstellung in Köln sorgt für Kontroverse
NAKBA Exhibit Sparks Controversy in Cologne
Jun/22/12 Archived in:Palestine

Die Ausstellung „Die Nakba: Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948“ im Allerweltshaus in Köln ist von einem neugegründeten Arbeitskreis Israel-Palästina scharf kritisiert worden. ((Erklärung zur Ausstellung

Ein ausfühlicher Bericht über die Auseinandersetzung ist in der Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung erschienen:

The travelling exhibit, “Nakba: Flight and Expulsion of Palestinians 1948,” currently on display at the Allerweltshaus in Cologne, has been the target of criticism launched by a newly found entity, called the Israel-Palestine Working Group, which claimed the exhibit was one-sided and bordered on anti-Semitism. In response, Ingrid Rumpf, who is the organizer of the exhibit and responsible for its content and conception, issued a statement dismantling the accusations. In addition, H.E. Salah Abdel Shafi, Ambassador of the Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in Germany, who visited the exhibit, published a declaration characterizing such criticism as “incomprehensible.”
The NAKBA exhibit has been hosted in dozens of German (and other) cities over the past years and has contributed significantly to educating the general population on the fate suffered by the Palestinian people in the process leading up to the establishment of Israel.