„Das unsagbare schreiben“ im Literaturhaus Berlin
Oct/20/13 Archived in:Armenian genocide
Am 17 Oktober organisierte der Kulturverein Spree-Athen eine Veranstaltung über die Literatur des Genozids. Unter dem Titel "Im Brennpunkt der Erinnerung": Texte zu dem 1915 in der Türkei verübten Völkermord an den Armeniern lasen Dogan Akhanlı und Bea Ehlers Kerbekian Auszüge aus Akhanlıs Roman Die Richter des Jüngsten Gerichts. Muriel Mirak-Weißbach hatte die Einführung mit Passagen aus ihrem Buch Jenseits der Feuerwand gestaltet. Die musikalische Begleitung lag in den Händen von Anton Peisakhov und seinem Cello.
Writing the Unspeakable” at the Literaturhaus in Berlin
On October 17 in Berlin’s Literature House, the cultural association Spree-Athen hosted an event on the literature of genocide. Entitled, “In the Focus of Memory”: Texts dealing with the 1915 genocide against the Armenians in Turkey author Dogan Akhanlı and actress Bea Ehlers Kerbekian read selections from Akhanlı’s novel, Die Richter des Jüngsten Gerichts (The Judges of the Last Judgment). Muriel Mirak-Weißbach introduced the theme by reading passages from her book, Through the Wall of Fire. Anton Peisakhov offered a musical accompaniment on the cello.

Frank Hahn, Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, Bea Ehlers Kerbekian, Anton Peisakhov (von links)
Writing the Unspeakable” at the Literaturhaus in Berlin
On October 17 in Berlin’s Literature House, the cultural association Spree-Athen hosted an event on the literature of genocide. Entitled, “In the Focus of Memory”: Texts dealing with the 1915 genocide against the Armenians in Turkey author Dogan Akhanlı and actress Bea Ehlers Kerbekian read selections from Akhanlı’s novel, Die Richter des Jüngsten Gerichts (The Judges of the Last Judgment). Muriel Mirak-Weißbach introduced the theme by reading passages from her book, Through the Wall of Fire. Anton Peisakhov offered a musical accompaniment on the cello.

Frank Hahn, Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, Bea Ehlers Kerbekian, Anton Peisakhov (von links)