Gumri Octet School
Gumri Octet School Launches Musical Renaissance
By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
GUMRI — Armenians in Gumri celebrated the 22nd anniversary of independence appropriately with music. On September 20, a day before the official festivities took place in Yerevan and other cities, leading national figures joined by international guests officiated over the open- ing of the brand new Octet music school, which had been destroyed in the 1988 earth- quake. Read further...
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
GUMRI — Armenians in Gumri celebrated the 22nd anniversary of independence appropriately with music. On September 20, a day before the official festivities took place in Yerevan and other cities, leading national figures joined by international guests officiated over the open- ing of the brand new Octet music school, which had been destroyed in the 1988 earth- quake. Read further...