Deutsch-Arabischen Gesellschaft
Experts Analyze the Syria Crisis
Jun/05/12 Archived in:Arab revolution
What do we really know about the Syrian crisis? Given the press distortions and partisan accounts from both sides, it is not an easy question to answer. In the words of a professional risk analyst speaking at a recent seminar in Germany, it is comparable to what we can know about a hippopotamus in water: after all, what we see are only its ears and eyes. Indeed, fourteen months after the outbreak of demonstrations in Syria, anyone who claims to know how the crisis will evolve and where it will ultimately lead is either endowed with super-human capabilities or is submerged deep into the water, with goggles, an oxygen mask, and measuring instruments capable of measuring the beast’s heartbeat and other vital signs.
The seminar, entitled, “Syria in Civil War: the Multiethnic State Put to the Test” (“Syrien im Bürgerkrieg: der Vielvölkerstaat in der Zerreißprobe”), was organized by the German-Arab Society together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on May 17-18, in the Theodor-Heuss Akademie in Gummersbach, Germany. Read further...
The seminar, entitled, “Syria in Civil War: the Multiethnic State Put to the Test” (“Syrien im Bürgerkrieg: der Vielvölkerstaat in der Zerreißprobe”), was organized by the German-Arab Society together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on May 17-18, in the Theodor-Heuss Akademie in Gummersbach, Germany. Read further...
Deutsch-Arabische-Gesellschaft Mitglied bei der Revolution in Kairo
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Strategy
Bei dem Neujahrsempfang der Deutsch-Arabischen Gesellschaft in Berlin am 26.2, hat Peter Scholl-Latour die Revolutionen in der arabischen Welt kommentiert. Vorstandsmitglied und ehemaliger Diplomat Dr. Gerhard Fulda, der zur Zeit in Kairo war, hat seine Erlebnisse mit Begeisterung geschildert. Ein Bericht von Dr. Fulda ist in der NZZ erschienen.