Hrant Dink
Gedenkveranstaltung zum 8. Todestag des armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink
Jan/16/15 Archived in:Armenian genocide
In Gedenken an den armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink (1956-2007) laden die Deutsch-Armenischen Gesellschaft, das Hrant Dink Forum Köln und das KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland auch in diesem Jahr zu einer interkulturellen Veranstaltung zur Stärkung des Dialogs und der Verständigung ein.Read further...
The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award goes to İsmail Beşikçi from Turkey and “Memorial” from Russia
Sep/30/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award was presented to laureates İsmail Beşikçi from Turkey and "Memorial" from Russia, on September 15, 2012, with a ceremony organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation held at the Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall in Istanbul.Read further...
KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland gedenkt Hrant Dink
Feb/17/12 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey

Am 23 Januar war ich in Köln eingeladen, mein Buch Jenseits der Feuerwand vorzustellen. Dr. Alper Öktem hat die Arbeit der Hrant-Dink-Stiftung in Istanbul vorgestellt.

Commemorations were held in Berlin, Cologne and many other German cities in late January on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the murder of Hrant Dink. The KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland, an organization which promotes understanding and reconciliation among Germans, Turks and Armenians, invited Turkish author and lawyer Fetiye Çetin on January 20 to speak in Cologne on the just-concluded trial against persons accused of involvement in Dink’s murder. Ms. Çetin travelled on to Berlin, where she addressed a large audience on the same topic. On January 23, I was invited by the same cultural dialogue group to present my book, Through the Wall of Fire at the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne. Dr. Alper Öktem presented the work of the Hrant Dink Foundation in Istanbul.
Turkish Intellectual Commemorates Armenian Genocide
May/06/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
On April 24, the guest speaker at the annual commemoration ceremony for the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the historic Paulskirche, in Frankfurt, Germany, was Turkish intellectual and author Dogan Akhanli. It was the first time that the Armenian community had invited someone of Turkish descent to hold the main address. Akhanli had been jailed in Turkey under the military regime, and later emigrated to Germany in 1992, where he lives. Over the years he has engaged in historical research on the Armenian genocide, the Nazi holocaust against the Jews, and other cases of ethnic and religious oppression. He has used the fruits of his research to educate the public, through forums, conferences, seminars, in Cologne, where he lives, and in the capital Berlin.
He is the author of several novels in Turkish, translated into Germans, one of which takes up the theme of the Armenian genocide, a topic forbidden by Turkish law. In August 2010, he returned to Turkey to visit his dying father, but was arrested at the airport and thrown into prison for four months. He was put on trial on hoked-up charges of participaton in an armed robbery and murder dating back decades. Although the testimony of witnesses had been procured under duress, and the same witnesses later withdrew their testimony, a farcical trial did take place. Thanks to a campaign in his defense, organized by civil rights activists and Turkish and German intellectuals, he managed to leave Turkey and return to Germany early this year. Articles reporting on Akhanli's case can be found under Publications on this website.Read further...
He is the author of several novels in Turkish, translated into Germans, one of which takes up the theme of the Armenian genocide, a topic forbidden by Turkish law. In August 2010, he returned to Turkey to visit his dying father, but was arrested at the airport and thrown into prison for four months. He was put on trial on hoked-up charges of participaton in an armed robbery and murder dating back decades. Although the testimony of witnesses had been procured under duress, and the same witnesses later withdrew their testimony, a farcical trial did take place. Thanks to a campaign in his defense, organized by civil rights activists and Turkish and German intellectuals, he managed to leave Turkey and return to Germany early this year. Articles reporting on Akhanli's case can be found under Publications on this website.Read further...
Dogan Akhanli im Rathaus empfangen
Mar/05/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
Der Kölner Oberbürgermeister Jürgen Roters lud unseren Freund Dogan Akhanli gestern zu einem Empfang ins Rathaus. Den Dank des OB an die Vertreter der Solidaritätskampagne, die zur Freilassung Akhanlis beigetragen haben, möchten wir hiermit an alle Unterstützer weitergeben! Das Video dazu unter:
Der Prozess gegen Dogan Akhanli wird am 9. März in Istanbul fortgesetzt. Akhanli wird wegen seines einjährigen Einreiseverbots in die Türkei nicht an seinem Prozess teilnehmen können.
Am 20. April veranstaltet das Literaturhaus Köln in Kooperation mit dem KulturForum eine Lesung & Musik mit Dogan Akhanli.
Ein Schwurgericht in Istanbul bekräftigte Anfang Februar den Freispruch für die Soziologin Pinar Selek und widersprach damit dem Obersten Berufungsgericht in Ankara, das eine Verurteilung der Angeklagten wegen siebenfachen Mordes verlangt hatte. Die Staatsanwaltschaft legte jedoch Einspruch gegen den zum dritten Mal bekräftigten Freispruch für Selek ein. Damit geht der Fall erneut zum Obersten Berufungsgerichtshof in Ankara. Über dreißig Menschen aus Deutschland waren als Prozessbeobachter nach Istanbul gereist, darunter Günter Wallraff, Christa Schuenke (PEN-Deutschland) und Vertreter des KulturForum. Auch Yasar Kemal und Rakel Dink waren vor Ort.
Vier Jahre nach der Ermordung des armenisch-türkischen Journalisten Hrant Dink leiten die türkischen Behörden Ermittlungen gegen mehr als zwei Dutzend hohe Beamte ein, darunter der ehemalige Gouverneur und der Polizeipräsident Istanbuls. Die Entscheidung fiel Anfang Februar vor einem Istanbuler Gericht.
Der Prozess gegen Dogan Akhanli wird am 9. März in Istanbul fortgesetzt. Akhanli wird wegen seines einjährigen Einreiseverbots in die Türkei nicht an seinem Prozess teilnehmen können.
Am 20. April veranstaltet das Literaturhaus Köln in Kooperation mit dem KulturForum eine Lesung & Musik mit Dogan Akhanli.
Ein Schwurgericht in Istanbul bekräftigte Anfang Februar den Freispruch für die Soziologin Pinar Selek und widersprach damit dem Obersten Berufungsgericht in Ankara, das eine Verurteilung der Angeklagten wegen siebenfachen Mordes verlangt hatte. Die Staatsanwaltschaft legte jedoch Einspruch gegen den zum dritten Mal bekräftigten Freispruch für Selek ein. Damit geht der Fall erneut zum Obersten Berufungsgerichtshof in Ankara. Über dreißig Menschen aus Deutschland waren als Prozessbeobachter nach Istanbul gereist, darunter Günter Wallraff, Christa Schuenke (PEN-Deutschland) und Vertreter des KulturForum. Auch Yasar Kemal und Rakel Dink waren vor Ort.
Vier Jahre nach der Ermordung des armenisch-türkischen Journalisten Hrant Dink leiten die türkischen Behörden Ermittlungen gegen mehr als zwei Dutzend hohe Beamte ein, darunter der ehemalige Gouverneur und der Polizeipräsident Istanbuls. Die Entscheidung fiel Anfang Februar vor einem Istanbuler Gericht.
Commemorations of Hrant Dink on the 4th Anniversary of his Assassination
Feb/07/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
Commemorations of Hrant Dink on the 4th Anniversary of his Assassination
First article | Second articleRead further...
First article | Second articleRead further...
Investigation of Hrant Dink’s Murder is Expanded
Feb/06/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
Members of the family of Hrant Dink murdered in 2007, have welcomed the expansion of investigations into his death. Read the article Read further...
Dogan Akhanli in Cologne
Jan/18/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
In the context of a week-long series of events in Germany in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Hrant Dink (Photo), a meeting was held in Cologne on January 16, organized by the Hrant Dink Forum – Köln , addressed also by Dogan Akhanli. A Turkish-born German citizen and novelist, Dogan was imprisoned ... by Turkish authorities on hoked-up charges...Read further...
Hrant Dink Commemorations on 4th Anniversary in Ankara and Paris
Jan/22/11 Archived in:Armenia/Turkey
On January 19, the fourth anniversary of the murder of AGOS editor Hrant Dink, over a thousand Turks and Kurds from progressive organizations joined in Ankara to commemorate the event and to demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice.Read further...