
Der Goldstone Report ist nicht tot

Am 24.02.2011 findet eine Parlamentsdebatte über den Report im Plenum des Deustchen Bundestag statt. Es geht um den UNO-Bericht über den Krieg in Gaza Ende 2008/Anfang 2009.

Arab Revolutionary Wave Energizes Palestinian Cause

In wake of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions, Palestinian and international activists are escalating their efforts to achieve justice. Among the leading initiatives is that of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), and a call by several civil society groups for “people of conscience” to visit Palestine from July 8-19, 2011.

Support for „The Stuttgart Declaration for a One-State Solution in Palestine“

(Die Stuttgarter Erklärung füre die Gründung eines gemeinsames Staates Palästine”) is also gaining wide international support.