Potsdam University
Potsdam University and Lepsius House Cooperate to Promote Genocide Studies
Potsdam Universität kooperiert mit dem Lepsiushaus
Jun/22/12 Archived in:Armenian genocide

The University of Potsdam and the Lepsius House signed an agreement on June 6, 2012 to enhance their cooperation in the field of genocide studies. The Lepsius House is a museum and research center located in the former home of Dr. Johannes Lepsius, the renowned theologian and scholar who documented the 1915 Armenian genocide.
Professor Dr. Johann Hafner, Dean of the Philosophy Department, explained that students will be able to make use of the Lepsius House’s facilities, including rooms, archives, and library. In addition they “will be able to complete scientific internships there, receive assistance in their dissertations, and participate in research projects, conferences and publications.” The University, for its part, will lend institutional support to the work of the Lepsius House and cooperate on projects and conferences. http://asbarez.com/103549/potsdam-university-and-‘house-of-lepsius’-to-advance-genocide-studies/

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Turkish Scholars Present Debate on 1915/1916
Nov/12/11 Archived in:Armenian genocide
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