Talaat Pasha

Report on the Trial of Salomon Teilirian

The stenographic report of the proceedings of the trial held in Berlin on June 2-3, 1921 against Salomon Teilirian is available in German at
US Teilirian was the Armenian student who shot Young Turk leader Talaat Pasha whom he held responsible for the genocide against the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. The same location on the Internet gives the link to the volume Pressespiegel: “Der Mord an Talaat Pascha 1921,” a collection of press reports on the event, as compiled and published by Heinz Böke. See also
DEIm Internet: Stenographischer Bericht über die Verhandlung gegen den des Mordes Talaat Pascha angeklagten armenischen Studenten Salomon Teilirian vor dem Schwurgericht des Landgerichts III zu Berlin, Aktenzeichen: CJ. 22/21, am 2. und 3. Juni 1921:
https://sites.google.com/site/nichtichbindermoerder/literatur-tip-1/pressespiegel1921Read further...